Trinity's Bag o' Suprises!
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Welcome To My Abode!
As you can see I like Gundam Wing but, I also like many other things. This site just has random stuff like: my poetry, lyrics, facts, interesting links and many more coming soon. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Site Updates
[6/22/02] My website is born! Hooray for me! I'm going to Lilo & Stitch today!
[6/23/02] I just added a caption for Microsoft!
The world has reached it's extremes.
It has all ended.
Nothing is gone.
Nothing was ever here.
Life was just an empty space.
Completely delsional
And sacrificial.
The blinding lights have
Evaded the darkness.
Small animals have grown,
Turned more advanced.
The cunning have turned
Sluggish, stupid.
Scarlet blood has sown
The dirty ground.
The mundane finally
Makes sense.
Emerald eyes pierce the black.
White static is finally
Beautiful music.
The innocence that has been
Stolen has been returned.
The tears of the damned
Have turned the ground
To fine ground soot.
The renegade angels
Have fallen to a new Earth.
Life has begun again.
Evolution is over.

Site Enhancements
I have a poll.
Email me if you want.

My Spotlight Site!
My first spotlight is Temple o'Trunks

Temple o' Trunks is a great website for Trunks fans. I really like the music videos, especially the Vegeta one.

The URL is:

MICROSOFT: The Finest Producer of Manbeef.
Wouldn't you agree?
Send an email